as part 3 in Chapter 11, Consumption and its
Accounting for natural assets | Worth of ecosystem services | conservation
There is an optimal exploitive range of extraction any species can impose on the biosphere in the aggregate amount of ecosystemsÕ goods & services consumed.
Optimum conditions are the fundamental basis for understanding applied ecology.
ÒIrreplaceable income that can support a populationÓ Current population = 6.8 b.
Ò. . . is being supported not by the income from natural capital but from steady depletion of the capital itself, Ò
Natural capital is Òirreplaceable on a time scale the is of interest to humanity.Ó
"The EarthÕs economies would soon collapse without fertile soil, fresh water, breathable air, and an amenable climate."
"But 'infinite' too often translates to 'zero' in the equations that guide land use and policy decisions. Practitioners in the young field of ecological economics believe more concrete numbers are required to help nations avoid unsustainable economic choices that degrade both their natural resources and the vital services that healthy natural ecosystems generate.
In one of the first efforts to calculate a global number, a team of researchers from the United States, Argentina, and the Netherlands has put an average price tag of US$33 trillion a year on these fundamental ecosystem services, which are largely taken for granted because they are free. That is nearly twice the value of the global gross national product (GNP) of US$18 trillion [1]."
Half of that annual productive value or more is the estimated worth of soil fertility.
World Resources Institute,
Robert Costanza et al., ÒThe Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital,Ó Nature, Vol. 387 (1997), p. 256-259.
1. defines the ecosystem functions of the biosphere; the ecosystem is a participatory partnership.
a. slow accumulation of products from
i. solar, &
ii. geothermal, energy sources
b. an accretion, or buildup of organic matter from living things
2. describes a condition where net primary productivity is in surplus
a. coral reefs, many thousands of years ¥ food fisheries
b. forests, hundreds to thousand years ¥ food, fuel, tools
c. grasslands, thousands of years of food, fuel, fodder[1], fiber
d. oil, coal & gas, Permian and Pennsylvanian
3. denotes a stable from an unstable situation
a. restoring natural capital
b. consuming natural capital
ii. groundwater
iii. biodiversity
¤ Òmore readily renewed natural capitalÓ implies a rate of replenishment.
¥ Òpotential emergence of new lethal strainsÓ implies a capacity to resist or buffer.
Solar or geothermal | ||
Energy | ||
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geo-physical habitat | biotic community | |
.........Life subsists |
a measure of performance
in terms of a rate of return[2]
biotic community biomass amenity[3]
Without forests there are no springs to supply water, thus woodlands and civilization are unrecognizable partners.
Sustained yield forestry, developed from fishery studies in 1870s & 1880s and was applied to farms and timber. |
Formula | ![]() |
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ÒTo assume economic growth in its present form can simply continue indefinitely, however, is to ignore civilizationÕs progressive malady, of which the most prominent symptom is the loss of natural capital.Ó
New Consumers
twenty leading and transitional nations:
with purchasing power equivalent to $2,5000 per year in the USA
China, India, South Korea, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Russia, Turkey
[me] Thailand, Indonesia,
Over a billion people
125 million cars to 245 million cars in 2010, Òa quarter of the worldÕs fleet.Ó
Òdownside of neglected social costs- (those captured by the market plus those borne by society as a whole)–climate disruption, resource wars over petroleum, pollution and its health effects associated with automobile use –will need to be dealt with.
p. 220
Òexacerbate global environmental and resource problems–unlessÓ
More on the concepts of capital accumulation and living off the interest[4]
Sustained yield forestry, developed from fishery studies in 1870s & 1880s.
Fisheries rely on solar energy converted by plankton and currents moving unavailable but essential elements into the producing and consuming populations; including nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium & iron
Forests rely on solar energy converted by leaves and decomposers recycling needed nutrients & especially magnesium to new growth
Gross primary productivity, GPP
– Respiration – R
= net primary productivity NPP
NPP or net primary productivity
Minus the number of trees timbered per year of mature growth
= yield
NPP – trees timbered per year of mature growth = yield
Types of forests and their growing time:
Pine is fast growing -- decades
Douglas fir have intermediate growth rates -- century
Redwood, yew, hemlock are slow growth rates -- centuries
How others pay the price for us
¥ Rainforest destruction internationally 221-222
¥ Garbage shipped to developing nations
¥ Developing nations selling fishing rights to Europe, Japan. Russia
Remaining forest cover in the Antilles, Central America, and the Caribbean.
October 29, 2011
[1] Animal food, esp. dried hay or feed, for cattle and other livestock.
[2] The rule of seventy or percent annual increase / 70 = doubling time
[3] Some desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place
[4] money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money saved or lent, and for delaying the repayment of a debt : the monthly rate of interest and interest payments.